The Devereux Creek Sewer Trunk Main Rehabilitation Project
Photos of typical alignment in creek bed.
Project Information
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Client Information
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The Devereux Creek Sewer Trunk Main Rehabilitation Project for Goleta West Sanitary District, Goleta, CA: 2006 - The Goleta West Sanitary District had completed video inspection, feasibility report and an initial study/mitigated negative declaration environmental document which evaluated options to address infiltration, settlement, root intrusion, and maintenance access concerns over the Devereux Creek Trunk Sewer. The chosen solution was to divert a significant portion of the flow from the existing trunk sewer to a new interceptor trunk sewer to be constructed generally along Hollister Avenue. The existing trunk sewer was to remain in place to serve neighborhoods generally located south of Hollister Avenue. Much of the Devereux Trunk Sewer was to be lined and two short segments would be relocated to mitigate right-of-way encroachments. The District, located just west of Santa Barbara asked Wayne to evaluate different trenchless lining systems to rehabilitate this existing trunk sewer, a 3,000 ft line varying in diameter from 15" to 24". The line lies in a creek bed through a eucalyptus grove which is a hot spot of public environmental concern.
As Subconsultant to MNS Engineers of Santa Barbara, Wayne Haefele & Associates, Inc. (WHA) did a comprehensive study of available lining technologies and made recommendations as to the most appropriate and cost effective methods, materials and bidding strategy for rehabilitation of the existing trunk sewer. The study evaluated 11 trenchless rehabilitation technologies against design objectives, feasibility and site environmental constraints resulting in a shortlist of four candidate technologies which were selected for further study. The four technologies were investigated extensively through internet research, discussions with industry experts nationwide, conversations with five specialty contractors from Central Oregon to San Diego and by telephone interviews of nine California public agency managers with extensive inventories of rehabilitated pipelines. The project resulted in the selection of two of the candidate technologies being treated "as equal" for project purposes, along with a bidding stategy likely to meet the District's objectives at an acceptable price. After the study and recommendations were accepted, Wayne Haefele & Associates prepared plans, specifications and estimates for the work.
At the outset of the project the District existed in unincorporated Santa Barbara county. While the project was in the construction documentation stage, much of the District's service area was incorporated as the new City of Goleta. Since significant portions of the sewer are located within Coastal Zone boundaries as well as the City of Goleta, the project recieved significant permitting scrutiny. City planners preferred abandonment of the existing trunk main, using lift stations to direct the flow up to the new Hollister Avenue interceptor sewer.
At the request of the District, WHA supported the permitting effort by performing an exhaustive study comparing a feasible and realistic configuration of lift stations with the District's lining project on the bases of construction cost, long term economics, short and long term environmental risks, and the likelihood of being able to satisfy the City's goal of eliminating all of the existing gravity line. The report was quite comprehensive and required development of what amounted to a detailed facility plan for construction of lift stations before meaningful information could be derived. To compare the environmental risks agency sewage spill records throughout California for differing kinds of facilities were reviewed and compared.
The power struggle over permitting was still going on as of 2009 when we were asked to revisit the study once again to update the comparative cost figures.
February 2006
District CIP funds
Goleta West Sanitary District
PO Box 4
Goleta, CA 93116-0004
Mr. Mark Nation
General Manager/Superintendent
Wayne Haefele & Associates, Inc.